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Steve Lewis

University of Nevada extension educator to leave Carson City post for Douglas County

Lindsay Chichester, extension educator with the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) office in Carson City, will be leaving her position in the Nevada state capital for the extension educator post at the UNCE Douglas County office in Gardnerville.

2018 CWSD Andy Aldax Carson River Watershed Award Presentation

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Thu Feb 22 2018 .
February 21, 2018 - 6:30pm
Event Date: 
February 22, 2018 - 6:30pm

The Carson Water Subconservancy District selected Dr. Steve Lewis to receive the 2018 Andy Aldax Carson River Watershed Award for Exemplary Service in Conservation and Protection of the Carson River Watershed.

Want to manage storm runoff on home landscaping? Cooperative Extension to host June class

Event Date: 
June 14, 2017 - 6:00pm

During occasional heavy rainstorms, such as the ones that hit western Nevada this winter, stormwater can cause erosion on residential properties. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, in partnership with GreenACTnv, will offer a free presentation in Gardnerville on how to prepare landscapes to reduce erosion hazards and increase the potential for storm runoff to soak into soils.

Volunteers gather to refresh strategic plan for Carson City schools

Since 2011, the Carson City School District has seen a long list of accomplishments including free full-day kindergarten at all schools, a mobile device for every student in grades three through 12, a school-based health center and increased accessibility to courses in science, technology, engineering arts and math.

Nevada water resources specialist receives national award for flood, Tahoe clarity work

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Water Resources Specialist John Cobourn has received a national award for his innovative approaches in programs addressing flash floods, environmentally friendly landscaping, Lake Tahoe’s water quality, and other water issues in northern Nevada.

Cooperative Extension hosts Minden forum on holistic land management

Event Date: 
May 31, 2016 - 6:00pm

In many instances, agricultural land management for small-acreage landowners is a painstaking, yet rewarding hobby. The irrigation water needs to be changed, the weeds need to be controlled, the fence needs to be repaired, or the grazing animals need to be rotated to a new piece of pasture.

Trends favor hangar project

Steve Lewis thinks big events - a new freeway, an ongoing shift in demographics and changes at the major airport in Reno - will get the Jet Ranch hangar project at Carson City Airport back on track...

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